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Rosi G.

DUDE!! I KNEW you'd bang that vest out. I had no doubt.

You still have that book? Pass it on if you do!

Ya'll look like ya'll playing tug-of-war with Brandon.


I'm kinda sorry its gone too. I already started counted down to Rhinebeck 2009. You get extra brownie points for finishing the vest in time!


I'm glad you finished the vest in time. It looks great!

I went to see Secret Life of Bees this weekend too and it was wonderful.


Hi Jeanine!

You are better than me, blogging with pictures too! I haven't gotten that far yet!

LOVE the yarn you got at Rhinebeck. I will be looking to see what you make with it.

Have a great day


it was so great to see you jeanine!
and congrats on finishing the vest--it looks amazing!


I love this post. Don't be alarmed if you see some of the same photos on my blog, lol. I loved the vest, and you made some nice purchases!


The vest looks great! Glad to hear that about the movie - that is one that I want to see too.


Oh, the vest is fabulous!!! So glad you finished in time. And look at all the yarny goodies, lucky you. Sounds like Rhinebeck was great!


Your sweater was beautiful! Nice to meet you outside the Briar Rose. it was nice to see your recap because I have completely forgotten the names of everyone I met.


Wow, gorgeous yarns! And a very cute vest too.


You are red/orange. I am blue/green. There is some kind of yin/yang involved in all this.


Your vest is gorgeous.


dang, missed you too. Last year, I literally bumped into Necia but nada, no one except some friends from Modern Yarn. Too bad. Maybe we can all put together a spring bash or something someplace convenient like my backyard or yours!


great post. The Wisteria sweater is fabulous. Love your blog.

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